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The public health insurance

Grants 4 different patient groups subsidies :

  • Diabetes patients
  • Arthritis patients (with rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Ortonyxi (ingrown nails)
  • Scar tissue after radiation treatment

To obtain the subsidies, an electronic referral must be submitted by the doctor to the podiatrist before beginning the treatment.

Health allowance

There are two kinds of health allowances- ordinary and extended. The health allowance must be sought before you receive treatment and be signed by your foot therapist before the schedule is submitted to the municipality.

The general health allowance

Is given to pensioners who receive subsidies from the health insurance because they have diabetes, arthritis, ingrown nails and/or have received radiation therapy.

The extended health allowance

Is given to pensioners who are not entitled to subsidies from the health insurance and diabetics in risk groups 1-3 who would like to receive more foot care in addition to what they receive health insurance contributions on the basis of the risk stratification.

A pensioner may apply for a health allowance on the municipality if her / his assets are less than DKK 75,000. The amount of the supplement depends on the income of your and any cohabitant.

Find application form for health allowance here: Guide see under links.


Early retirement pensioners under previous law must apply for a health allowance in accordance with section 18. The pensioners must get an opinion from the municipality and get the physician’s signature.

Early retirement pensioners who have been awarded a pension after 01-01-2003 must apply for sickness benefit according to section 82 of the Active Law. Here a reference must be enclosed from the doctor.

Cash benefit recipients can apply for sickness benefit according to section 82 of the Act on Acts. Here, a reference from the doctor must be enclosed.

Excess cost coverage under Section 100 of the Service Act cannot cover treatment costs; coverage includes only transport costs to the treatment.

Kontakt os

BEMÆRK, tidsbestilling og aflysninger foregår udelukkende pr. telefon (3526 8505).